David Hartt Interviewed in The Seen

Aug. 18, 2017

CHICAGO – David Hartt interviewed by Gabrielle Welsh for The Seen.

When discussing geographically driven research in his work, David Hartt says, “This idea is the thing I am trying to dimensionalize and stabilize through my scholarship and research. And what I try and do is find a site, a kind of singularity, which is a deep expression of that idea. So in this sense, I went to the island, where the concept of sovereignty is deeply under threat. Or in terms of trying to understand the experience of what it means to be Black in America—the history of slavery, and economic oppression, the struggle for civil rights, and the eventual emergence of the modern African-American. I went and made a work at the headquarters of Johnson Publishing. So, each of these sites are singularities in that they are deeply expressive of a specific ideological or intellectual worldview.”

Click here for full interview.